
City Dog Fees:

  • Pickup fee $50
  • After hours pickup fee $75
  • First day is $20 - $10 each day after
  • City tag $10
  • If the animal has not been picked up after 72 hours, they will be signed over to the shelter

All dogs must have current up to date rabies vaccination and paperwork before they can be released!

About 4 Paws Pawhuska Animal Welfare  

4 Paws is committed to ensuring that dogs and cats who are captured or surrendered are given a chance to be adopted to a good home.  As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, we rely on your tax-deductible donations. 

Pawhuska Animal Welfare-4PAWS is a 501(c)(3) of title 26 of the US code.

We are a nonprofit private entity that provides a service, under contract with the City of Pawhuska, and have a 20 year lease on the facility.

Aside from the rescue portion, we operate as the city dog pound and at times do animal control work, as a service, per the contract.

The 4Paws Shelter veterinarian is Dr. Sarah Gordon from "4 the Animals Veterinary Clinic"  in Bartlesville, OK. They are available 24/7 for emergencies and often come to us when needed. 

If you or someone you know are missing your buddy, please give us a call or stop by.

We are located at 1896 John Dahl Ave. Pawhuska, OK 74056.

Pawhuska City Ordinance 

Section 91.002
-Animals not to be at large

A. No owner shall permit any animal owned, harbored, or kept by him or her to be at large within the city.

B. Any animal in violation of this section shall be subject to impound and disposition as provided in this chapter.

Section 91.010
-Dogs are not permitted to be tied or chained in front yard of residences or businesses.

A. No owner or person in lawful possession of any residential or commercial property shall permit any dog to be tied or chained or restrained in any manner in the front yard of such property.

Section 91.012 
-Rabies vaccination required; certificate of vaccination; tags

A. No person shall own, keep, or harbor any dog or cat within the city limits unless such dog or cat (6) months of age or older is vaccinated for rabies annually every year before July 1 thereof, and in any event before the cat or dog becomes six (6) months of age.

B, Unless the owner of any dog or cat furnishes written proof that the dog or cat has been vaccinated for rabies by a licensed veterinarian in the past 12 (twelve) months, the owner shall be guilty of an offense.

C. When a veterinarian vaccinates a dog or cat against rabies he shall issue to the owner of such dog or a cat a metal tag or check evidencing such vaccination and the year of vaccination.  

Section 91.013
-Spay or neuter required

A. On or after May 1, 2022, it is unlawful for any person to own, possess, keep or harbor within the city any dog or cat over the age of six (6) months that has not been spayed or neutered, except as provided in Section 91.014.

C. The owner of any dog or cat required to have spayed or neutered their dog or cat pursuant to Subsection A above shall furnish upon request of an Animal Control Officer written evidence showing the sterilization status of the animal. A valid rabies vaccination certificate listing the subject animal as being spayed or neutered shall constitute sufficient proof of sterilization. 

Section 91.017

B. The owner shall pay such tax to the City Clerk for every year before the first day of July thereof, or upon acquiring after that day any dog within the city upon which the tax has not been paid for the year in which acquired, or upon bringing a dog into the city after that day.

C. Before the clerk accepts money offered in payment of the tag for a dog or issues a license for it, the person offering the tax shall present to the city clerk the certificate of a veterinarian or other person legally authorized to immunize dogs showing that the dog has been immunized against rabies and has been spayed or neutered.

D. The owner of the dog shall, at the time of paying the tax, register the dog by giving the city clerk the name and address of the owner, the name, breed, color, and sex of the dog, and such other reasonable information as the city clerk may request.

Section 91.021 
-Animal shelter fees

A. Fees for impounding and keeping an animal, to be paid upon redemption, a fee of $20 shall be assessed for the first day, and $10 for each day thereafter. In computing a fee, a fraction of a day during which an animal or fowl has been fed shall be deemed a full day.

B. Any person redeeming an impounded animal or fowl shall pay the fees to the city clerk and present the receipt therefore to the person in charge of the animal shelter before the latter releases the animal or fowl.

C. Any dog or cat not vaccinated against rabies or is not spayed or neutered being held or impounded by the city shall not be released to the owner or any other person without proof of current vaccination against rabies, or without paying a deposit in such sum as set by the city, which deposit shall be refunded to the person putting up the same upon proof of current vaccination, and/or proof of spaying or neutering of said animal being shown to the animal control officer within seventy-two (72) hours of the release of the animal. If such proof is not presented, then the animal control officer may retake the animal into custody and deposit the deposit with the city clerk to be retained as expenses of taking the animal into custody.

Section 91.024 
-Cruelty to animals

A. It is unlawful for any person, willfully and maliciously, to pour on, or apply to, any animal any drug or other thing which inflict pain on the animal; or to knowingly treat an animal in a cruel or inhumane manner or to knowingly neglect an animal belonging to him or in his custody in a cruel or inhumane manner.


For a full list containing all information and sections, please contact Pawhuska City Hall.